My Tatty Leather Journal

Hi my name is Amy, I am a twenty-something girl in love with the idea of lots of things. Here is my very own piece of internet ‘space’ to tell you about them….and perhaps some other things along the way too.


Thursday 10 November 2011

17 Again...

If you had the chance would you go back to your teenage years? First dances, your fist kiss, a new-found independence and all those wonderful first time experiences. Sounds exciting doesn’t it? But wait what about the stresses that went along with being young. Exams, university applications, moving out, the huge weight that seemed to sit firmly on your shoulders until you had those clear and concise answers about the direction your life was going to take. To be honest that weight is still on my shoulders to some extent but it has with it now a whole new set of questions and decisions, prehaps it never leaves us at all. Life is a quest or so it may seem.
Anyhow back to my initial question, would you go back? I don’t think I would. I have wonderful memories of that time and sometimes I miss the days when getting my homework done so I could go out for the evening was the main focus of my young mind. So much has happened to me since I was a teenager. Somethings have been wonderful, life changing and filled me with hope and further aspirations.  Some however  have knocked me back further than I ever thought possible. I am a completely different person now. I am no longer a wide-eyed, innocent 17-year-old who only sees the good. Sometimes a part of me wants to be that person again but then I realise as I have grown into a young women and my eyes have opened to the world around me I am very happy with who I have become, what I have achieved and although I can’t say I know exactly where I am going I know that whatever path I choose it will be for the right reasons.
Now this all sounds very profound and I wasnt exactly intending it to. But I guess it answers my question. No I wouldn’t go back. I am happy  where I am right now. I have already created wonderful memories and that’s how I would like them to stay. They are there for me to miss, shed a tear over, wish I had handled differently, cringe over and laugh until I can’t laugh anymore. They are my memories good ones, bad ones, funny and silly. I like it that way, I only want to move forward.
Until next time…

Dear World Wide Wed..

Gone are the days of ‘dear diary’ we are now in an age when our every move is documented online. Actually quite a scary thought when you think about it. Nevertheless here I am getting involved. Enjoy…
Until next time